Thursday, August 23, 2012

KARA‘s Gyuri discussed the diet she went through preparing for the group’s ‘Pandora‘ comeback.

During the comeback showcase on August 22nd KST, Gyuri shared, “While preparing for the album, I went on a protein diet for 2-3 months. I was happy that the fans who saw my solo teaser commented that [I lost a lot of weight].

Nicole commented, “Though it was a goal to lose weight to show a more mature image, we also worked hard for our health and [to tone our bodies],” while Hara joked, “I worked hard to get rid of my description of ‘elementary school kid body’.”

Seungyeon also stated, “We tried hard to [look good for this comeback], whether it be Gyuri’s diet or Hara’s exercise. I hope to show a better side to us musically this album.

Source: Xsportsnews via Nate


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